Marjorie J. Rubin, MA, LMHC

Marjorie Rubin

I work collaboratively with clients from a place of respect, compassion and warmth to help people work through challenges, improve relationships and live happier lives. I specialize in helping children, adolescents and adults who struggle with the effects of trauma, and symptoms such as anxiety, depression, fears and a variety of behavior’s. Parenting support is also offered. My approach is creative, client centered and eclectic, taking into account the whole person. Important tools and extensive training include EMDR & other Trauma Therapies, Play Therapy, Sandtray therapy, and the Creative and Expressive Arts.

Primary Address:

793 Ericksen Ave. Suite 123-A
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

Phone: 206-842-4898


Additional Services: Registered Play Therapist -(RPT tm )thru the American Association for Play Therapy since 2019

Membership: Clinical

Licensures/Certifications: CMHS, LMHC, MA, RPT

Populations: Adults, Children

Issues and Concerns: ADD/ADHD, Adult Survivors of Child Trauma / Abuse, Anxiety and Panic Disorders, Career, Creativity, Family Issues, Grief and Loss, Life Transitions, Medical Issues, Multicultural and Crosscultural Issues, Parenting - Includes Parent-Child Conflicts, Postpartum and Perinatal Depression, Stress Management, Trauma and PTSD

Treatment Modalities: Art Therapy, Assessment, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization), Internal Family Systems, Meditation and Mindfulness (includes MBSR - Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), Play Therapy, Sand Tray, Somatic Transformation

Insurance: Private pay, limited insurance provider. Will provide receipt to submit for out-of-network reimbursement. Certified Out of Network provider with Kaiser  First Choice, Kaiser Permanente